Barter Exchange User Guidelines

Article created: 12/06/2010

1.  This non-profit Exchange is operated by Bob and Maureen Hoffman (Missionaries to Cyberspace) under the auspices of FamilyNet International Inc (a US based 501(c)(3)).  No fee is charged for use of the Exchange.
2.  Negotiating fair exchanges is the joint responsibility of the participants.  The Exchange makes no guarantees as to the quality and timeliness of goods and services, and does not participate in negotiations, or short of email verification, provide any background checks on any participant.

3.  The Exchange does not coordinate the delivery of goods and/or services; the Exchange simply provides a way for participants to contact one another.

4.  A party who wishes to use the service (to post items) must register.
5.  A potential provider of a good or service must provide an email address. Registration will be verified by return email before registration is approved.

6.  We reserve the right to refuse the listing of any good or service without cause if it is deemed  inappropriate for any reason. We reserve the right to ban any user for failure to follow the guidelines, or failure to complete accept agreed-upon transactions.