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Green Environment Landscaping & Irrigation Corp . is a leading provider of French drain installation services in Rhode Island. We have a team of experienced and qualified professionals who can help you design and install a French drain system that will protect your property from water damage. What are French drains? French drains are trenches that are dug along the perimeter of your property and filled with gravel and perforated pipe. They collect water from the surrounding soil and divert... $299
Advantix is a monthly flea and tick spot-on. Highly effective in eliminating fleas and ticks, the spot-on solution also repels ticks and stops fleas from biting within 3 to 5 minutes. Advantix acts against lice and protects dogs against parasitic infestations. The spot-on kills deadly paralysis ticks and controls Lyme disease. The topical treatment remains effective for one month and controls recurring flea and tick infestations. It also repels and kills sand flies and mosquitoes. The spot-on... $57.97
Advantix is a monthly flea and tick spot-on. Highly effective in eliminating fleas and ticks, the spot-on solution also repels ticks and stops fleas from biting within 3 to 5 minutes. Advantix acts against lice and protects dogs against parasitic infestations. The spot-on kills deadly paralysis ticks and controls Lyme disease. The topical treatment remains effective for one month and controls recurring flea and tick infestations. It also repels and kills sand flies and mosquitoes. The spot-on... $57.97
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